
‘Research at Scale’ Journey - Shenzhen 2024

The Journey in Shenzhen for me revealed an intersection between design and technology by being introduced to large scale manufacturing, fabrication techniques, art museums, technology developments, and unique cultural exchange. As a Fashion designer and Textile Researcher specializing in e-textile and smart textile systems for wearables, witnessing insights from both the electronics and textile industries was a meaningful and eye-opening experience.

In this documentation I will introduce my own insights in participation in the HCI Symposium and Seeed Hackathon, along with interesting visits to various manufacturing sites such as electronic and fabric markets, PCB and textile factories and additionally, I will highlight the art and cultural experiences that enriched our stay.

HCI Symposium and SUSTech visit

The HCI Symposium featured various activities, such as a poster and demo exchange, a hackathon, lectures, and knowledge-sharing sessions between students and industry partners. We had the opportunity to present each person’s research and explore the work of researchers from multiple universities. This experience was a significant part of our journey in Shenzhen, allowing us to connect with partners, understand the technology, and engage with professionals in related fields.

Hosted by the Southern University of Science and Technology, School of Design, we were introduced to multiple departments and facilities throughout the university. We visited several departments, witnessing diverse projects that utilized advanced technologies in robotics, 3D printing and get to know HCI groups across the school.

Seeed Hackathon & Presentations

The first involved a hackathon where we were introduced to Seeed’s XIAO-ESP32S3. During this event, we developed an ML-integrated system and acquired powerful techniques for utilizing the board. Following this session, we formed groups for the “Tech for Good” hackathon.

In my group, we utilized wearable devices to detect color changes through glove interaction. The project incorporated LEDs connected to the XIAO, capturing color changes through imaging taken by the embedded camera. Our project received the hackathon innovation award, making the collaborative experience of working on this wearable device both enjoyable and rewarding.

“HandSight” developed to present an interactive digital Gloves that Capture and Augment Colors through Touch. Group members: Derrek Chow, Ganit Goldstein, Hila Mor & Yue Yang.

Seeed Studio & Chaihuo Makerspace

The second event in which we participated was a presentation hosted by Seeed Studio at the Chaihuo Makerspace. During this event, our group presented individual backgrounds and the research topics we have been developing both during our time at MIT and beyond. Ranging from small to large-scale projects, our group showcased a compelling combination of knowledge, spanning from city-scale initiatives to garment and fabric manufacturing, and delving into nano-material explorations. The event was highly successful in initiating conversations on educational tools, manufacturing technology, and digital toolsets. The event was open to the public and introduced a variety of background that all share the special community of the global maker movement.

Factories & Manufacturing

One of the most interesting and eye-opening experiences for me was the journey into the world of electronics manufacturing. To comprehend the immense scale of production in Shenzhen, visiting Huaqiangbei is the ultimate experience, offering a glimpse into one of the world’s largest markets for electronics. We had the opportunity to explore various areas and explore different buildings that showcase diverse aspects of electronics, ranging from tools and LEDs to assembly and finished products.

While in Shenzhen, we had the opportunity to tour multiple PCB factories over the course of a few weeks. It marked my first exposure to large-scale manufacturing and the underlying technology involved, including pick-and-place machinery, screen printing, assembly lines, and various other aspects. Understanding the intricacies behind the scenes significantly altered my perception of electronics production, seeing and witnessing the processes and details involved in assembling each circuit board. It was an eye-opening experience and made me think a lot about precision in technology production and especially the life cycle of a product. Here’s a few images from Seeed factory visit:

We had the opportunity to visit several flexible PCB factories, which was particularly intresting for me, as a few projects I am working on involve the intersection of electronics and textiles. The technology observed during these visits has been inspiring, encouraging me to think through the integration of softer solutions into wearable devices.

K-Tech is a textile factory specializing in Knitting technology. As my background, I enjoy very much the visit and the special host we recivied from the company. We had wonderful time learning about their mahinery, yarns and special technical developments from the textile world:

Art and Culture

We were fortunate to explore wonderful cultural experiences, which included visits to art museums, exhibitions, trying special foods, and exploring outdoor spaces. Here are a few pictures capturing various activities we engaged in, such as the Rhizomatiks exhibition, Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, Dafen Oil Painting Village, and many more:

Dafen Oil Painting Village

Fairy Lake Botanical Garden

Rhizomatiks exhibition

Thanks to Seeed, SUSTech, and everyone who hosted us for providing a memorable time in Shenzhen. I hope these connections will endure in the future, and looking forward to the possibility of visiting again :)