Source code for grove.button.button_i2c

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Grove Base Hat for the Raspberry Pi, used to connect grove sensors.
# Copyright (C) 2018  Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd. 
from __future__ import print_function
from grove.i2c import Bus
from grove.button import Button
import threading
import time

__all__ = ["ButtonTypedI2c", "NAME_5_WAY_SWITCH", "NAME_6_POS_DIP_SWITCH"]

NAME_5_WAY_SWITCH     = "Grove-5-Way-Switch"

""" The Button name to compare with return value of :class:`` """

NAME_6_POS_DIP_SWITCH = "Grove-6-Pos-DIP-Switch"

""" The Button name to compare with return value of :class:`` """

_grove_5way_tactile_keys    = ("KEY A","KEY B","KEY C","KEY D","KEY E")
_grove_6pos_dip_switch_keys = ("POS 1","POS 2","POS 3","POS 4","POS 5","POS 6")

_CMD_GET_DEV_ID     = 0x00

VID_MULTI_SWITCH         = 0x2886
PID_6_POS_DIP_SWITCH     = 0x0003

_CYCLE_PERIOD    = 0.08   # 80 ms

[docs] class ButtonTypedI2c(Button): ''' I2C Button/Switch Array Class provide event checking ability to derived class, should not use directly by end-user. The checking events include: - Button.EV_SINGLE_CLICK - Button.EV_DOUBLE_CLICK - Button.EV_LONG_PRESS - Button.EV_LEVEL_CHANGED Args: address(int): optional, the I2C address of the connected device. evt_en(bool): optional, default True True: provide event checking ability. False: used in poll environment, manually call :class:``. ''' def __init__(self, address = 0x03, evt_en = True): super(ButtonTypedI2c, self).__init__(0) self.bus = Bus() self._addr = address # Initialise the I2C button device self.dev_id = 0 self._probe_uid() self._version = 0 self.version() self._size = self.size() self._set_mode(True) self.__last_evt = None self.__last_evt = self.key_names = _grove_5way_tactile_keys if self._size == 6: self.key_names = _grove_6pos_dip_switch_keys self.__thrd_exit = False self.__thrd = None if not evt_en: return if self.__thrd is None or not self.__thrd.is_alive(): self.__thrd = threading.Thread( \ target = ButtonTypedI2c.__thrd_chk_evt, \ args = (self,)) self.__thrd.setDaemon(True) self.__thrd.start() def __del__(self): if not self.__thrd: return self.__thrd_exit = True while self.__thrd.isAlive(): time.sleep(_CYCLE_PERIOD / _CYCLE_UNIT) self.__thrd.join() # Thread to check events def __thrd_chk_evt(self): self.__last_time = time.time(); while not self.__thrd_exit: # or self.__state != self.KEY_STATE_IDLE: t = time.time() dt, self.__last_time = t - self.__last_time, t evt = if not evt[0]: time.sleep(_CYCLE_PERIOD) continue for i in range(0, self.size()): if evt[i + 1] & ~self.EV_RAW_STATUS: pressed = bool(evt[i + 1] & self.EV_RAW_STATUS) self._index = i self._send_event(evt[i + 1], pressed, t) time.sleep(_CYCLE_PERIOD) def _probe_uid(self): ID_LEN = 4 for tr in range(4): v = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self._addr, _CMD_GET_DEV_ID, ID_LEN) # print("GET_DEV_ID = {}".format(v)) did = 0 for i in range(ID_LEN): did = (did >> 8) | (int(v[i]) << 24) # print("DEV_ID = {:8X}".format(did)) if (did >> 16) == VID_MULTI_SWITCH: self.dev_id = did return self.dev_id self.bus.read_byte(self._addr, True)
[docs] def version(self): ''' Get the device firmware version. Returns: (int): firmware version, the first version is 1 ''' VER_LEN = 10 if not self.dev_id: return 0 v = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self._addr, _CMD_TEST_GET_VER, VER_LEN) # print("GET_VER = {}".format(str(v))) version = v[6] - ord('0') version = version * 10 + (v[8] - ord('0')) # print("version = {}".format(version)) self._version = version return self._version
[docs] def size(self): ''' Get the button count the device have. Returns: (int): button count ''' if (self.dev_id >> 16) != VID_MULTI_SWITCH: return 0 if (self.dev_id & 0xFFFF) == PID_5_WAY_TACTILE_SWITCH: return 5 if (self.dev_id & 0xFFFF) == PID_6_POS_DIP_SWITCH: return 6 return 0
[docs] def name(self, index = None): ''' Get the device name or specified button name Args: index(int): optional, the index number of button to get name. if not specified, return the device name. Returns: (string): the name of the device or pecified button ''' if (self.dev_id >> 16) != VID_MULTI_SWITCH: return "Invalid dev" if not index is None: if index < 0 or index >= self._size: return "Invalid index" return self.key_names[index] if (self.dev_id & 0xFFFF) == PID_5_WAY_TACTILE_SWITCH: return NAME_5_WAY_SWITCH if (self.dev_id & 0xFFFF) == PID_6_POS_DIP_SWITCH: return NAME_6_POS_DIP_SWITCH return "Invalid dev"
def _set_mode(self, enable): if not self.dev_id: return None v = _CMD_BLOCK_DET_MODE if enable: v = _CMD_EVENT_DET_MODE self.bus.write_byte(self._addr, v) return True
[docs] def read(self): ''' Get the button array status Returns: (list): a list has the size button count + 1 item [0] indicate if there is a event (bit 0x80). bit 0x80 set if one or more the switches have event. bit 0x80 clear if no one has event. item [ 1 + `index` ] indicate the event of button specified by index, be bits combination of - Button.EV_LEVEL_CHANGED - Button.EV_SINGLE_CLICK - Button.EV_DOUBLE_CLICK - Button.EV_LONG_PRESS ''' EVT_LEN = 4 if not self.dev_id: return None size = EVT_LEN + self._size v = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self._addr, _CMD_GET_DEV_EVENT, size) if self._version > 1 or self.__last_evt is None: return v[EVT_LEN - 1:] # Fix: v0.1 will miss event BTN_EV_LEVEL_CHANGED # if this API called frequently. for i in range(self._size): if (v[EVT_LEN + i] ^ self.__last_evt[1 + i]) & self.EV_RAW_STATUS: v[EVT_LEN + i] |= Button.EV_LEVEL_CHANGED v[EVT_LEN - 1] |= 0x80 self.__last_evt = v[EVT_LEN - 1:] return v[EVT_LEN - 1:]
[docs] def is_pressed(self, index = 0): ''' Get the button status if it's being pressed ? :class:`` must be called before this api call when used with poll method object (created with evt_en = False). Args: index(int): optional, the index number of button to be checked. must be specified for this device. Returns: (bool): True if the button is being pressed. False if not. ''' return not bool(self.__last_evt[index + 1] & self.EV_RAW_STATUS)
def main(): switch = ButtonTypedI2c(evt_en = False) print("{} v{} Inserted".format(, switch.version())) print("A {} Button/Switch Device Ready".format(switch.size())) while True: evt = print("EVENT = {}".format(evt)) for i in range(0, switch.size()): print("{}: ".format(, end='') print("{} ".format(switch.is_pressed(i) and "LOW " or "HIGH"), end='') if == NAME_5_WAY_SWITCH: print("{} ".format(evt[i + 1] & switch.EV_RAW_STATUS and "RELEASED" or "PRESSED "), end='') elif == NAME_6_POS_DIP_SWITCH: print("{} ".format(evt[i + 1] & switch.EV_RAW_STATUS and "OFF" or "ON "), end='') print(" ", end='') print("S" if evt[i + 1] & Button.EV_SINGLE_CLICK else " ", end='') print("D" if evt[i + 1] & Button.EV_DOUBLE_CLICK else " ", end='') print("L" if evt[i + 1] & Button.EV_LONG_PRESS else " ", end='') print("C" if evt[i + 1] & Button.EV_LEVEL_CHANGED else " ", end='') print(" ", end='') print() time.sleep(1.0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()