Source code for grove.display.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (C) 2018  Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd.
# This is the library for Grove Base Hat
# which used to connect grove sensors for Raspberry Pi.
Display Base Class

# sphinx autoapi required
__all__ = [


MAX_GRAY = 100

[docs]class Display(object): ''' All display devices should inherit this virtual class, which provide infrastructure such as cursor and backlight inteface, etc. ''' def __init__(self): self._cursor = False self._backlight = False # To be derived def _cursor_on(self, en): pass
[docs] def cursor(self, enable = None): ''' Enable or disable the backlight on display device, not all device support it. Args: enable (bool): Optional, ``True`` to enable, ``Flase`` to disable. if not provided, only to get cursor status. Returns: bool: cursor status, ``True`` - on, ``False`` - off. ''' if type(enable) == bool: self._cursor = enable self._cursor_on(enable) return self._cursor
# To be derived def _backlight_on(self, en): pass
[docs] def backlight(self, enable = None): ''' Enable or disable the cursor on display device, not all device support it. Args: enable (bool): Optional, ``True`` to enable, ``Flase`` to disable. if not provided, only to get cursor status. Returns: bool: backlight status, ``True`` - on, ``False`` - off. ''' if type(enable) == bool: self._backlight = enable self._backlight_on(enable) return self._backlight