Source code for grove.display.sh1107g

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (C) 2018  Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd.
# This is the library for Grove Base Hat
# which used to connect grove sensors for Raspberry Pi.
This is the code for
    - `OLED Display 1.12"    <>`_
    - `OLED Display 1.12" V2 <>`_


    .. code-block:: python

        import time
        from grove.factory import Factory

        oled = Factory.getDisplay("SH1107G")
        rows, cols = oled.size()
        print("OLED model: {}".format(
        print("OLED type : {} x {}".format(cols, rows))

        oled.setCursor(0, 0)
        oled.write("hello world!")
        oled.setCursor(0, cols - 1)
        oled.setCursor(rows - 1, 0)
        for i in range(cols):
            oled.write(chr(ord('A') + i))

from grove.display.base import *
from upm.pyupm_lcd import *
from grove.i2c import Bus
import sys, mraa

# sphinx autoapi required
__all__ = ["SH1107G_SSD1327"]

BasicFont = [

[docs]class SH1107G_SSD1327(Display): ''' OLED Display 1.12"(v2) use chip SSD1327 or SH1107G. Args: address(int): I2C device address, default to 0x3E. ''' MAX_GRAY = 100 _REG_CMD = 0x00 _REG_DATA = 0x40 _PAGE_CNT = 16 _PAGE_BYTES = 128 _TOTAL_BYTES= _PAGE_CNT * _PAGE_BYTES def __init__(self, address = 0x3C): super(SH1107G_SSD1327, self).__init__() # self._bus = Bus() self._bus = mraa.I2c(0) self._addr = address self._bus.address(self._addr) if self._bus.writeByte(0): print("Check if the OLED SH1107G/SSD1307 inserted, then try again") sys.exit(1) # id = self._bus.read_byte_data(self._addr, SH1107G_SSD1327._REG_CMD) id = self._bus.readReg(SH1107G_SSD1327._REG_CMD) # print(" id = 0x{:2x}".format(id)) self._sh1107 = (id & 0x3F) == 0x07 if not self._sh1107: self._ssd1327 = SSD1327(0) return blk = [0xAE] # Display OFF blk.append(0xD5) # Set Dclk blk.append(0x50) # 100Hz blk.append(0x20) # Set row address blk.append(0x81) # Set contrast control blk.append(0x80) blk.append(0xA0) # Segment remap blk.append(0xA4) # Set Entire Display ON blk.append(0xA6) # Normal display blk.append(0xAD) # Set external VCC blk.append(0x80) blk.append(0xC0) # Set Common scan direction blk.append(0xD9) # Set phase leghth blk.append(0x1F) blk.append(0xDB) # Set Vcomh voltage blk.append(0x27) blk.append(0xAF) # Display ON blk.append(0xB0) blk.append(0x00) blk.append(0x10) self._cmds(blk) self.clear() def _cmd(self, cmd): try: # self._bus.write_byte_data(self._addr, self._bus.writeReg( SH1107G_SSD1327._REG_CMD, cmd) except IOError: print("*** Check if OLED module inserted ***") sys.exit(1) def _cmds(self, cmds): for c in cmds: self._cmd(c) def _datas(self, datas): length = len(datas) data = bytearray(length + 1) data[0] = SH1107G_SSD1327._REG_DATA for i in range(length): data[i + 1] = datas[i] try: self._bus.write(data) # self._bus.write_i2c_block_data(self._addr, # SH1107G_SSD1327._REG_DATA, datas) except IOError: print("*** Check if OLED module inserted ***") sys.exit(1) @property def name(self): ''' Get device name Returns: string: SH1107G/SSD1307 depends your device plugin. ''' return "SH1107G" if self._sh1107 else "SSD1327"
[docs] def type(self): ''' Get device type Returns: int: ``TYPE_GRAY`` ''' return TYPE_GRAY
def size(self): if not self._sh1107: # Gray OLED 96x96 return 12, 12 # Gray OLED 128x128 return 16, 16
[docs] def clear(self): ''' Clears the screen and positions the cursor in the upper-left corner. ''' if not self._sh1107: self._ssd1327.clear() return zeros = [ 0x0 for dummy in range(SH1107G_SSD1327._TOTAL_BYTES) ] self.draw(zeros, SH1107G_SSD1327._TOTAL_BYTES)
[docs] def draw(self, data, bytes): ''' Quickly transfer/draw bulk data (specified by data) to OLED, transfer size specified by bytes. Args: data (list of int): the data to transfer/draw bytes (int) : data size ''' if not self._sh1107: self._ssd1327.draw(data, bytes) return # all pages fill with data for i in range(SH1107G_SSD1327._PAGE_CNT): if i > bytes / SH1107G_SSD1327._PAGE_BYTES: return self._cmd(BASE_PAGE_START_ADDR + i) self._cmd(BASE_LOW_COLUMN_ADDR) self._cmd(BASE_HIGH_COLUMN_ADDR) # fill one PAGE bytes for k in range(0, SH1107G_SSD1327._PAGE_BYTES, 32): # I2C limit to 32 bytes each transfer begin = i * SH1107G_SSD1327._PAGE_BYTES + k end = begin + 32 self._datas(data[begin:end])
[docs] def home(self): ''' Positions the cursor in the upper-left of the OLED. That is, use that location in outputting subsequent text to the display. ''' if not self._sh1107: self._ssd1327.home() return self.setCusor(0, 0)
[docs] def setCursor(self, row, column): ''' Position the OLED cursor; that is, set the location at which subsequent text written to the OLED will be displayed. Args: row (int): the row at which to position cursor, with 0 being the first row column(int): the column at which to position cursor, with 0 being the first column Returns: None ''' if not self._sh1107: self._ssd1327.setCursor(row, column) return self._cmd(BASE_PAGE_START_ADDR + row) self._cmd(0x08 if column % 2 else BASE_LOW_COLUMN_ADDR) self._cmd(BASE_HIGH_COLUMN_ADDR + (column >> 1))
def _putchar(self, c): asc = ord(c) if asc < 32 or asc > 127: asc = ord(' ') for i in range(8): fontmap = [] fontmap.append(BasicFont[asc - 32][i]) self._datas(fontmap)
[docs] def write(self, msg): ''' Write character(s) to the OLED. Args: msg (string): the character(s) to write to the display Returns: None ''' if not self._sh1107: self._ssd1327.write(msg) return for i in range(len(msg)): self._putchar(msg[i])
def _backlight_on(self, en): self._cmd(DISPLAY_CMD_ON if en else DISPLAY_CMD_OFF)
def main(): import time oled = SH1107G_SSD1327() rows, cols = oled.size() print("OLED model: {}".format( print("OLED type : {} x {}".format(cols, rows)) oled.backlight(False) time.sleep(1) oled.backlight(True) oled.setCursor(0, 0) oled.write("hello world!") oled.setCursor(0, cols - 1) oled.write('X') oled.setCursor(rows - 1, 0) for i in range(cols): oled.write(chr(ord('A') + i)) time.sleep(3) oled.clear() if __name__ == '__main__': main()