Source code for grove.grove_optical_rotary_encoder

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Grove Base Hat for the Raspberry Pi, used to connect grove sensors.
# Copyright (C) 2018  Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd.
# Author: Zion Orent <>
# Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation.
This is the code for
    - Grove - Optical Rotary Encoder(TCUT1600X01) <>`_


    .. code-block:: python

        from grove.grove_button import GroveButton
        import time, sys

        # connect to pin 5 (slot D5)
        PIN = 5
        encoder = GroveOpticalRotaryEncoder(PIN)

        # Read the value every second and detect motion
        while True:
            print("\rPosition: {0}  ".format(encoder.position()), file=sys.stderr, end='')

from __future__ import print_function
import time, sys, signal, atexit
from grove.gpio import GPIO

__all__ = ["GroveOpticalRotaryEncoder"]

# The UPM version rotaryencoder has bug result in segment fault.
# This pure python version could work well.
[docs] class GroveOpticalRotaryEncoder(object): ''' Grove optical Rotary Encoder(TCUT1600X01) class Args: pin(int): the number of gpio/slot your grove device connected. ''' def __init__(self, pin1, pin2 = None): pin2 = pin1 + 1 if pin2 is None else pin2 self.__gpio = GPIO(pin1, GPIO.IN) self.__gpio2 = GPIO(pin2, GPIO.IN) self.__gpio.on_event = self.__gpio_event self._pos = 0 # called by GPIO library def __gpio_event(self, pin, value): v1 = if not v1: return v2 = self._pos += 1 if v2 else -1
[docs] def position(self, pos = None): ''' set or get the position counter Args: pos(int): optinal, the position counter to be set. if not specified, only get the current counter Returns: (int): current position counter ''' if not pos is None: self._pos = pos return self._pos
def main(): from grove.helper import SlotHelper sh = SlotHelper(SlotHelper.GPIO) pin = sh.argv2pin() ''' from upm.pyupm_rotaryencoder import RotaryEncoder as GroveOpticalRotaryEncoder from mraa import getGpioLookup mraa_pin1 = getGpioLookup("GPIO%02d" % (pin + 0)) mraa_pin2 = getGpioLookup("GPIO%02d" % (pin + 1)) # Instantiate a Grove Rotary Encoder, using signal pins mraa_pin1 & mraa_pin2 myRotaryEncoder = GroveOpticalRotaryEncoder(mraa_pin1, mraa_pin2); ''' myRotaryEncoder = GroveOpticalRotaryEncoder(pin) ## Exit handlers ## # This function stops python from printing a stacktrace when you hit control-C def SIGINTHandler(signum, frame): raise SystemExit # This function lets you run code on exit, including functions from myRotaryEncoder def exitHandler(): print("Exiting") sys.exit(0) # Register exit handlers atexit.register(exitHandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, SIGINTHandler) # Read the value every second and detect motion counter = 0 while True: print("\rPosition: {0} ".format(myRotaryEncoder.position()), file=sys.stderr, end='') counter += 1 if counter >= 5000: print("") counter = 0 time.sleep(0.001) if __name__ == '__main__': main()